Friday, September 13, 2013

Reflective Blog For The Week September 9th

This week talked more about traditional, market, and command economies. Then we worked on our Karl Marx and Adam Smith dialogues. My partner was Boomer and we focused on the differences between a free market economy and socialism. We argued over the pros and cons of each economy mainly. One main point for our argument was equal opportunity and equal outcome. In a free market there is equal opportunity which is equal chance for an individual to get a certain position and receive a certain salary. Each person is born with an equal opportunity to get a certain amount of wealth. In a socialistic economy there is equal outcome which is each person receives an equal salary and things given despite what job they have. This means that no matter how successful you are or how much of a failure you are, you will still make as much money as anyone else. This is viewed as a more fair system but I argue that it isn't. Everyone may get an equal amount of money but you could be extremely lazy and make as much as a very hard worker. I don't that that is fair at all since hard workers and lazy workers are now created equal. Tell me your thoughts, I think that equal opportunity is far superior myself.


  1. That is one problem with a socialist economy, you could have a mechanical engineer working for the government who may have a higher social status than say, a grocer, but all in all, gets basically the same pay.

  2. I agree, I do not think it is fair that everyone should get the same amount of pay because if someone does not do their job or unsuccessful why the other is hard working and successful there is an obvious difference and outcome so there should definitely be a difference in pay. Though it is right to be equal but when it comes to this it is hard to have everyone be equal on this page.

  3. I agree with your post. It is very unfair that one person can work to their best ability and full potential while the other worker may be slacking and not doing so well but they both get the same amount of pay.

  4. Agreed. It is not fair that hard workers get the same amount of money, respect, and goods as a lazy worker. I agree with your thoughts about the free market and how you are born with equal opportunity.

  5. My thoughts linger in the same direction. Equal opportunity provides for everybody equally. It is just as fair as it sounds. Some people work harder than others. There are many jobs that require much more skill to do. Equal opportunity is "far superior".

  6. I agree entirely, it isn't fair that people that do much more than others should still get paid the same amounts

  7. as much as i'd love for you not to have the most comments again but i think my grade is slightly more important, that is why i am commenting . i do think that the hard working people should get better pay,unless you one of the people who doesn't do the work then getting equal pay for doing nothing is far better
