Friday, September 20, 2013

Reflective Blog For The Week Of September 15th

In econ class this week we mainly focused on the stock market. The stock market is pretty complicated but if you do it right you can make a lot of money. Playing the stock market is like playing poker. You have to know when to bet and when to fold. A good example of knowing when to fold is Bradley. Bradley was way in first but when his stocks peaked in money, he didn't sell them. As a result his high value stocks plummeted and he fell into last place. I did this correctly when I sold my google stock right before it fell by $10. Knowing where to invest is very important and knowing when to sell is equally important. My best stock currently is my NTDOY stock and I have made $1800 on it so far. My worst stock is WDAY and I have lost $170 on it. What is your best and worst stock? Tell me below.


  1. I love the comparison of poker to the stock market casue thats exactly how i play it

  2. WHAT!! Ray has no comment..... :0 I gotcha bro! I'll save the day! Us bloggers got to look out for each other. The interwebs is a rough place. I agree with your analogy it is a lot like poker in some ways. I do agree knowing when to buy and sell is a huge part of the market, along with knowing and following your investment strategy. My best stock by me thus far has been my apple or google stock. But I sold my Apple stock on a high on Friday and my google is still sitting an growing and gaining money. my worst stock by me thus far has been my Verizon stock. It has just been awful thus far, but hopefully by markets open Monday it will turn around and trend upwards again! I liked your post a lot, well structured.
    Us bloogers got to stick together,

  3. I lost 300 dollars over the weekend... thanks Fedex...
