Sunday, August 25, 2013

Reflective Blog For The Week Of August 19th

This week in Economics Class we introduced ourselves, got an introduction to Economics, and started working on our plans for Weserville. The most interesting thing we did was our work on Weserville. We first learned what Weserville was and about the living conditions inside of Weserville. We then elected officials for Weserville such as the mayor and town council. We were then given the task of spending $10 million dollars on unused land to benefit Weserville. We split up into groups and thought of ideas. The 2 most popular ideas were building a oil rig/ natural gas gatherer or building a town complex. I thought that we should go with the natural gas idea because there have been recordings of high amounts of natural gas in the areas around Weserville and it could generate a lot of wealth and independent energy. This topic relates to the topic of scarcity we learned about earlier in the week. One of the questions caused by scarcity is "What will be produced?". This is also a big question for the people of Weserville at its current state. We have to decide what will be produced in Weserville so that it may blossom and stimulate a large amount of currency for the betterment of the lives of its inhabitants. 


  1. The drilling for natural gas does sound like a good idea that can provide a large profit, create jobs involving skilled labor which a lot of the people of weserville are good at and later lead to other expansions in the town weserville.

  2. I agree, I feel we should pursue the natural gas idea. If I'm correct its a fairly low impact welling operation, and most of the construction could be done by Wesserville inhabitants, which would produce some temporary jobs. Then once its built, the gas should generate quite the some of money for the town, allowing us to spend said revenue on other projects, like the town center complex. I also like the thought of the town being energy independent. That may be something we want to look into. This idea has a lot of potential and could be what the town needs to bring it up to par with the rest of the state.
    But over all I agree with this idea, and I would support it.

  3. I am all for mining for natural gas. It will bring an abundant amount of money to Weserville. I believe that natural gas will improve Weserville's employment rate, launch the economy into a prosperous state, and is a fantastic way to start the year in Economy/Personal Finance Class.

  4. I, at first was totally against natural gas but after being told about real life Weserville and all the jobs that the natural gas project created I saw how much could be done economically and now agree with it.

  5. When i heard the idea of an oil rig i thought it was to risky to invest 10 mil$ in so i didn't go with it and it was to late when I learned that there was natural gas to change my idea, so i agree that it was a good idea to use thee natural gas.

  6. Now we are going with natural gas, so it would be good to see how other communities that grew due to oil were required to go through.

  7. Good reflection of the first week and well describing the ideas we must choose from for the 10 million dollars to spend.

  8. I agree with what you said about how we indroduced ourself in this week and working on our plans for werserville.
