Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Enemy Spotted

It seems as if someone has been attacking the Captain's Log. Numerous posts have been removed by this said enemy. I will not stand for my blog to be harassed by these foes. I would like to call my fellow classmates to arms against the supreme admin that is said to be called the infamous "Weser". Don't give in to the enemy my fellow classmates, I have fallen to this foe, but you should all carry on. Huzzah!


  1. http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs41/f/2009/029/f/e/Che_Guevara_5_by_cap1727.jpg

  2. http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs41/f/2009/029/f/e/Che_Guevara_5_by_cap1727.jpg

  3. Enemy?!?!?! Let's keep it classy :-) Only posts that do not pertain to class will be considered for deletion.
    --The SUPREME admin has spoken

  4. Enemy?!?!?! Let's keep it classy :-) Only posts that do not pertain to class will be considered for deletion.
    --The SUPREME admin has spoken

  5. Do not listen to her harsh commands my brethren, post anything at all! It does not matter of the relevance. Though I may have lost my freedom of speech it does not mean you have not. Speak for me my fellow classmates, for I have lost my voice in this world. Your Fallen Classmate- Ray

  6. Well this post pertains to class, for it is of the SUPREME admin that we speak of, who also happens to be the SUPREME econ teacher. Fear not ray, you will be saved. Your sacrifice will not go forgotten. We will push on and you will rejoin us!


