Sunday, December 15, 2013

Reflective Blog For The Week Of December 8th

This week in Econ we delved into banking and the risks of banking and how to be successful while banking. I learned the hard way when I fell into debt to Gurubandaa and owed him a lot of money, I have been giving him the majority of my money but for some reason I owe him for giving him money. I don't understand why but it is Gurubandaa so its gotta be for a good reason. I owed him $35 dollars because I borrowed $20 from him in order to buy Doritos. His interest rates are pretty high but I don't trust the bank of Annie, so I'll just take what I can get. I payed him back Friday and all has been going well since, considering I haven't been at school in order to spend my money. Teehee

Friday, December 6, 2013

Reflective Blog For The Week Of November 29th

This week in Personal Finance we mainly went over banks and credit cards. We talked mainly about credit card issues and how people make bad decisions. The main problem is the interest rate.  People make bad decisions and go over their credit amount and the rate goes up. Some people don't pay their credit bill on time and some people only pay the minimum amount, which overtime will cause your rate to go up. The rate basically means that the people will be charged more for using their credit card. Late fees can also go up over time. The best thing to do is to be a "deadbeat" someone who pays over the minimum amount and never goes over the limit and always pays on time. This person can keep their rate low and save much more money. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of using credit cards? Tell me in the comments below. VVV

Friday, November 22, 2013

Reflective Blog For The Week Of November 17th

This week in the legendary 3rd block econ class we introduced a new form of currency. These Weserville dollars are a different than the town money. Apparently being late to class fines you five dollars so I am already down some money. :( 2 Tissues is worth 1 dollar so expect a lot more snot to be flying around the classroom. Eating costs money as well so Boomer will have to starve. Charging your laptop cost money so remember to charge it at home. Everyone gets a salary for the jobs they do in the town. We also have to pay the fines of the town and cover many costs. We also split into groups and each group was a separate island. Each island as its own unique resource as well as lava, buffalo, fresh water, coconuts, and bananas. One island has fish, one has fighter jets, one has diamonds, one has coins, and mine has oil. The currency between the islands is the obsidian coin. If you think there is a possibly better form of currency please suggest it in the comments below.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Reflective Blog For The Week Of November 2nd

This week in econ I was gone Tuesday due to extreme sickness and I was not there Friday because I was busy running state championships. On Tuesday there was an electron for the new governor of Virginia and it was a race that was truly about Obamacare and party differences. It was Terry McCaulife (D) against Ken Cuchinelli (R). I liked Ken better because he opposed Obamacare and he had better ideals overall for fixing America and going back to our old ideals and way of thinking. I didn't like Terry because he backed Obamacare and his ads were slanderish and manipulative to uneducated voters. He claimed that Ken was going to make it so minorities can't vote which is extreme to say. I think that that is just shameful and I'm very dissapointed that he won. I miss Bob.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Reflective Blog For The Week Of October 27th

This week in Econ was very much centered on Weserville, specifically Wal-Mart. The main conflict this week has been whether or not wal-mart can come into town. We were divided into groups based off of what businesses we were a part of. One group for wal-mart and one against. My group was for wal-mart coming into town and we said that it would be good because it would help with the unemployment and it would bring more people into Weserville. It would also bring more businesses and more competition. It would make it easier for people to buy products that they need without having to waste gas and take a long time. Personally I haven't decided whether I want it or not, I kinda do but I kinda don't at the same time. Its a very important factor in Weserville and it could greatly impact our town's future.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Reflective Blog For The Week Of October 13th

This week in Econ Clarence Wiggle Heimer the 2nd, aka me, left on thursday for a business trip. I left to go to the mountains to search for better glass for the light bulb factory. It didn't work out honestly and I ended up just shopping and taking hikes and junk. I didn't find any glass or any cool stuff for Weserville so I'm #sorry. Good news is I'm back now and I didn't get eaten by any bears so yay. #Stayinalive

Friday, October 11, 2013

Reflective Blog For The Week Of October 6th

This week in econ we started working on our tourism projects. I large amount of people are coming to Weserville and we are trying to attract them to certain businesses in Weserville. My group was Nick Z, Hannah, and I and our team name was Team Nice Dynamite. Best Name Ever. Anyway, our business we chose to promote was Pete and Joe's restaurant. We did a radio ad, a tv ad, and a newspaper ad. Altogether it went pretty well and it was fun. I think that our ads will promote Pete and Joe's restaurant and get it more business.